Android Mobile Phones Top 10 Upcoming Smartphones of 2020

What's up guys, Saf here on SuperSaf TV and happy new year. 

2019 was such an amazingyear for smartphones, and 2020 promises to be even better. So, in this video, I'mgoing to be going over the top smartphones thatI'm most looking forward to this year, and what wecan expect from each of them. This list is not going tobe in any particular order. And do also drop the smartphones that you're most looking forwardto in the comments below. Let's get straight to it. So, one of the biggest releasesthat we're going to see very soon potentially in February is going to be the newSamsung Galaxy S device. The S11 or some rumors arenow saying that we might have the S20, which isdefinitely quite possible. Samsung may be going with the 20 number because of the year 2020, but anyway, there will be three newsmartphones at least, the successor to the S10E, theS10, as well as the S10 Plus. And we've already seenlots of leaks and rumors around what we can expect. I've covered these indetail in a previous video. I'll link that in the cardsand in the description. But essentially we're lookingat a redesign of the back anyway, with a rectangular camera module. And that's going tohave up to five cameras. One of these cameras is going to have Samsung's 108 megapixel sensor, so there's going to belots of possibilities with the cameras on the newS11, shall we call them for now? But as well as that,they're going to be powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 chipset, potentially have up to a120 hertz refresh rate. This is something thatSamsung didn't really do for last year, a high refresh rate screen. And we're going to havea punch out in the middle like we have on the Note,but overall, smaller bezels. Very excited for the new S11s. They're going to be comingaround MWC time next month. Now as well as that, Samsung is likely tohave a new fold device. We're not sure what thisis going to be called. It might be called theFold 2 or something else, but this is going to be quitedifferent to the current Fold, so it's not going to bea tablet-sized device which you can fold toa size of a smartphone. It's going to be a smartphone-sized device which you can fold in half, kind of like what we'veseen on the Motorola Razr. Now based on the leaks, we see a punch out inthe middle of the screen, and we see a dual camerasetup at the back as well. This is likely to becoming in much cheaper compared to the current Fold, which was pretty expensiveat around $2,000. And it's likely to be announced alongside the S11s next month. This year is going to bevery, very exciting foldables. Seeing all of these new form factors, especially if they come down in price, it's going to be very, very exciting. Now, around March timewe're also likely to hear about the new Huawei device, the P40 Pro. Now unfortunately, lastyear was quite a tough year for Huawei with the ban onthe Google Play services, so that definitely didhave an impact on them. I'm hoping they can sort itout before the P40 is released. But nevertheless, it looks likea very promising smartphone, also with a rectangular camera module. So we're going to haveeither four or five cameras. It looks like this isthe camera module design that's going to be adopted for this year. Potentially a high refresh rate screen with a punch out as well. This also looks like theyear of the punch outs. But some rumors aresaying that we might have up to a 5,500 mAh batterywith up to 50 watts charging, which would be absolutely insane. Huawei really, really big on battery life and performance. Huawei devices have some of the best battery life that I've tested. So this is going to bevery, very exciting. I just really hope theycan sort something out with this whole issue ofthe Google Play services because I'd love to seethem fully back in the game. And moving on from there, we are going to be seeing the new OnePlus, potentially around Maytime, the OnePlus 8 Pro. Now I think you have toadmit that last year, the OnePlus 7 Pro and the 7T Pro, some of the best devices of the year. I think people unanimously agreed on that. Great specs, great display,and great overall performance. One area that they could beimproved on is the cameras. And hopefully, this year we'll be seeing that improvement in the cameras. We're going to have up to fourcameras and for the display, however, it looks like they're going to be going with a punch out. That's what the currentleaks and rumors suggest. Now I'm not sure why they maybe going with this punch out instead of the fully bezel-less display, like we've got on the OnePlus 7 Pro. It might be something to dowith the popup mechanism. There are lots of moving parts. It might be more difficultto manufacture that. I'm not too sure. But this is what we're seeing. And one thing that Idefinitely like to see is wireless charging. OnePlus devices great for fast-charging, but they have not hadwireless charging ever. So I'm hoping that theywill have wireless charging in this next version of the OnePlus. Now I think everybody canagree that 2019 wasn't a great year for Google whenit comes to the Google Pixel 4. Not a bad device overall,but quite underwhelming, especially when you put itup against the competition, which was offering a lot more. Hopefully this year, Googlewill be taking that feedback onboard for the Pixel5 and we'll be getting things like the ultra-wide camera, a better display overallwith smaller bezels, and concentrating more onfeatures that we actually want rather than potentially gimmicky features like the hand gestures. But, that's going to befurther on in the year and we don't reallyhave too much in the way of leaks and rumors of it as yet. However, we do have some leaksaround the Google Pixel 4a, and this is something that I'm definitely very excited about. Last year the Pixel 3a, greatdevice for the price point with one of the best camerasat that price point as well. And it looks like Google isgoing to be repeating this, this year with the Google Pixel 4a. Looks like we're going tohave a punch out camera. Once again, lots of punch outs this year, but with smaller bezelsand the camera module is going to be square likewe've got on the Pixel 4, except it's only going tohave the single camera. And that's not too bad considering that it is a lower-priced device. 

We're likely to have a 3.5 mmjack, so thumbs up for that. This is something that we'renot really likely to see on many devices this year. A physical fingerprint scannerat the back the device, which I really like, but powered by theSnapdragon 7 series chipset. So this is somethingthat's going to be coming within the next few months,around that $400 mark. And I'm definitely very excited about it. Now, also aroundpotentially that price mark, we may be seeing the iPhone SE2. Now this is something that's been talked about for such a long time, but we've not actuallyseen anything solid. If we do see something, it would be great aroundthe 4.7 inch display mark. More of a square boxed-offdesign like we had on some of the earlieriPhones, which in my opinion, looks really, really good. Powered by the A13 Bionicchip with maybe one, or maybe even two cameras likewe've got in the iPhone 11. Once again, coming in atthat more budget-friendly price point, around four to$500, which would be very, very exciting and I'msure Apple would sell loads of these if they did make it. If they do release it,it would be more towards the beginning of the year, but let's see. It's still a bit of a question mark. It's something that I woulddefinitely like to see, though. Now that's the iPhone SE2, but of course, in around September time, we're going to be seeing the new iPhones. Are they going to becalled the iPhone 11 Ss or are they going to becalled the iPhone 12s? I think they're going to becalled the iPhone 12s potentially. And that's because we usually see a bit more of a redesignevery three iterations. So if we currently look at the iPhones, they look very similarfrom the front at least, as we have done for the past three years. So it looks like Apple maybe going for a redesign, maybe more of a boxier look, like we were talkingabout on the iPhone SE2, which would be great. Maybe smaller bezels. Maybe getting rid ofthat notch, full screen, that would be quite awesome. I don't know if that's going to happen. Maybe we're just goingto see a smaller notch. Improved cameras, Apple did a great job with cameras last year,so it looks like they're going to be improving on that this year. A14 chipset which is goingto be super, super powerful. And this is a bit of a speculation, but we may be seeing USB Type-C. Apple traditionally, Lightning of course, but last year we did seemore of a change from Apple where they were takingfeedback onboard a lot more. And if you look at theiPad Pro, USB Type-C. If you look at the MacBookPros, again USB Type-C. So it would make thingsa lot more consistent if they went with USBType-C for the new iPhones. Now ahead of that, thingsare a bit of a question mark. We've not really seen anysolid leaks or rumors, but of course we are going to be seeing the new Galaxy Notedevice, the Galaxy Note 11, or is it going to becalled the Galaxy Note 20? We're not too sure yet. And I'm hoping this year that it is a little bit more different compared to the Samsung Galaxy S series. This year I think, apart from the S Pen, there wasn't too many differences. I would like to see maybe acompletely bezel-less design without a punch out,maybe an under-display, front-facing camera from the Note, that would be quite exciting. And maybe the newer chipset, potentially, the Snapdragon 865 Plus, that's going to be comingout later in the year. But as well as that we'realso going to be getting the Huawei Mate 40 Pro. Again, this is very early stages, so we've not really hadmany leaks around that. And also, the Asus ROG Phone 3. The Asus ROG Phone 2, my favorite device whenit comes to gaming. I use it so, so much. Whenever I'm gaming,this is my go-to device. So it will be interestingto see what Asus does to improve on this forthe Asus ROG Phone 3. OPPO are going to be coming out with some great stuff as well this year. We've already heard someabout the OPPO Reno3, but in the way of fast-charging, they've gone absolutely crazy. 65 watt fast-charging onthe Reno Ace right now. But also, they've beendeveloping lots of under-display technology with thefront-facing camera as well, so we're very likely tosee some major advancements in this area as well. OPPO usually very early into the market. On foldables as well, weare likely to see lots of foldables coming from lotsof different manufacturers. Potentially from OPPO. Huawei we've already seen the Mate X, but are we going to see animprovement on the Mate X? We're not too sure as yet. And of course there's going tobe lots more budget devices. The Redmi K30 Pro. Are we going to get the Pocophone 2? One of the Poco execsdid Tweet something out, but then deleted that later on, so let's see if there's going to be some more developments onthat side of things as well. Regardless, 2020 is looking like a very, very exciting year for smartphones. Which device are you mostlooking forward to in 2020? Definitely let me knowin the comments below. Of course, as soon aswe get more information about lots of these devices,as soon as those are in-house, we're going to be doing lots morecoverage here on the channel, as always, SuperSaf style. If you don't want to miss any of that, then be sure to subscribe (bell ringing) and hit that bell icon. I hope you enjoyed thisvideo and found it useful. If you did, then do hitthat thumbs up for me. Thanks for watching, thisis Saf on SuperSaf TV, and I'll see you next time. (upbeat music) 

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