Top 25 || Free Mobile Gaming 2020 || Android & iOS

 Top 25 || Free Mobile Gaming 2020 || Android & iOS

Dr. Professor: Hello there test subjects.. I mean… gamers...yes Gamers! Welcome back to IsItThatGame? Your one stop destination for the best Androidand iOs games out there! I’m the illustriously handsome Dr. Professor-and those charges of “improper storage of human appendages” never landed- so the armmuseum in my lab should open up soon! You little lab rats made the first video asuccessful experiment, so much so that we’ve decided to test a second part! If you haven’t seen part 1 to this video,you can check it out by following this link here, so you don’t miss out on great freegames. In no way shape or form is this data beingused to program the perfect gaming robot, so I can finally beat Dark Souls- (He’sinterrupted) ROBOT: Father… what is… love? (Laser Sound with a small explosion) Dr. Professor: WHY DO THEY KEEP WANTING TOLOVE!?!?! Well, without further distraction- welcometo the “25 Free Mobile Games, Part 2” video experiment- lets get started. First up on our list of free games, we have: [Survive: Wilderness]FREE | 45.93MB | OFFLINE Surviving in the wilderness really inst thatdifficult for me- assuming I can bring along my robot army, interdimensional space ship,and my lab rat Fransisco… but, If you want to test your grit without the supplementaltechnology- Survive: Wilderness is a free way to learn to manage a wilderness survivalsituation. Survive: Wilderness is a survival themed simulationwhere you need to decide how you spend your time and what action is most crucial for younow in order to survive: building a shelter, finding food, water, traveling, collectingfirewood. I could make a robot do all this for me, butapparently some of you don’t ‘have access to robots…’ peasants. [PUBG Mobile]FREE | 1.97GB | OFFLINE Speaking of clips, pop a clip in- and watchyour pro-gun friend correct you and say “its a magazine not a clip,” and checkout a gameI know you’ve heard of; PUBG MOBILE. PUBG was on the forefront of the Battle Royaletrend long-before Fortnite, Apex Legends, or COD Warzone- and the mobile port featuresthe full game. The biggest recommendation I have for thisgame is to look into pairing a bluetooth controller. Having a mobile version of one of the bestbattle royals out there is amazing, but using on screen controls can block line of sighton potential enemies. Between 100 Player Battle Royals, to theirnewly implemented 4 v 4 quick-matches- PUBG’s massive battle maps are some of the most detailedout there. PUB-G is a staple for a reason, its FUN-G.Ahhh- whimsy. Dead Rain 2: Tree VirusFREE | 411.5MB | OFFLINE DEAD RAIN 2: Tree Virus! (laughter) This isjust preposterously entertaining. A virus...that turns you into a tree… (slifleslaughter)... and they told me I was mad for making a human/raccoon hybrid- at least minelooked like a little burglar. But have you ever heard of virus that TURNSYOU INTO A TREE!? Right?! Dead Rain 2: Tree Virus is a 2-D Action Platformer,where you play as a Survivor in a Post-Apocalyptic world. The low poly graphics give this game a nostalgic,old school feel- while the touch based controls are actually really well adapted to mobilegaming. Shoot, stab, and obsessively collect everyresource possible to upgrade your stuff - to your heart’s content in this darkly themedshooter! XenowerkFREE | 159.3MB | OFFLINE Don’t feel like poppin’ a cap in Zombies,as the youths say? Pop a cap in a horde of Aliens for free whenyou download XENOWERK. Xenowerk is a top down shooter by PixelbiteGames, where you and your trusty flashlight will explore the darkness within an UndergroundScience Lab. With 70 levels, and an Arsenal that the DoomSlayer would envy, Xenowork is a beautifully rendered, symphony of gunfire. My favorite feature is the Performance basedrating system. Nothin’ beats cold hard evidence that youcan outshoot your friends. There’s always the added bonus of havinganother, Samus-related, bad-ass female protagonist to represent the inner-anti-alien-warriorthat’s in every girl… or every mad scientist with a degree in World-Ending Technology. Even if it’s not how I would have designedher suit- they do about as good a job as MIT does. Pfft. Shadow of Death: Darkness RPGFREE | 121.2MB | OFFLINE If you prefer something a little more ‘civilized’than blasting away, SHADOW OF DEATH: DARKNESS RPG is an offline, pocket sized, fantasy RPG. Play as a Lone Knight with a Dark Sword, thatI assume is powered by teenage ‘Edge-lord’ angst, slashing your way through decayingfarmlands of a forsaken civilization. The combat in this stick-man fighting gameis fast paced, with clean controls that allow for precision monster dismemberment. Select from 4 Unique Shadow Knights- and learnnew skills and don your ever aesthetically improving armor. Do not miss out on this game- statisticallyspeaking, you can afford it. [Pocket Build]FREE | 445.5 MB | OFFLINE Is killing not your style? Then you won’t like my Kill-bots, but you’lllike this game. For the non-violent pacifist, you have POCKETBUILD. Pocket Build’s roots is where this gamereally shines, it’s a game all about the freedom of creation. Nearly everything you’d need to build anythingyou want- is literally at your fingertips from the start. Farm anything! Wheat, livestock, corn, humans- the worldis your oyster and you no longer have a shellfish allergy. Put cows in pens! Put people in pens! Create and island of Pug overlords- farm yourresources, and before you know it, you’ll have a quaint, peaceful, human farm. Don’t you just love misdirection. [Does Not Commute]FREE | 87.6MB | 

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